
It occurs to me that this blog doesn't have near the amount of organization that I aspire to. Then again, does anything in my life? So, now, I'm compartmentalizing the posts. I may not be cleaning, per sae, but at least something's getting a little less messy.

Under the Category of Philosophy:
Analysis of Out of the Silent Planet (CS Lewis)
A Priori in Metaphysics
Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Care and Keeping of Popular Culture
Crivens, More Rambling!
Johnathan Livingston Seagull (What is Perfection?)
Julius Caesar Series:
Mantra of a Wanderer
Music of Nothing
New Year's Resolution
Providence and Seasons
Speculation and Silence
Unstable Quadrants of INFP Aggression
Upon the Malaise of Monetary Gain
What it Means to be a Sister
Why I Hate Astrology (And Not Because I'm a Leo)

Here's what's coming up in the category of philosophy:
Julius Caesar-- Post Series
Thoughts on Chinese Naturalism
Comments on Diego Rivera that are way too much about Frida Kahlo

Any suggestions?
Shoot 'em to my email!

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