This is a bit of a personal rambling, so it may bunny trail all over the place before getting to anywhere of substance. Or, in a less likely manner, it may stick rigidly to some backbone of some organized structure. So let me begin, then, with the meat topic of this: I'm dating my best guy friend, someone very dear and close to me that has stayed by my side through the thick and thin of life for many lovely months. He's charming, compassionate, and most undoubtedly an ENFJ. Ooh, and he loves pasta!
So, you may be asking, how did this happen? I have become the object of my own scorn; where I had professed that long-lasting and self-defeating affections were for the futile of intellect and lacking in any competent self-sufficiency, I am becoming a martyr of my own heart's intentions. Alas, poor heart. And how did he amass the gumption to ask the intimidating me to be his girlfriend, even after I nearly gave him a concussion?! (But that's another story)
I didn't really set out wanting to talk to anyone.... I just sat down with my soda and my pizza and surveyed the room.
That, of course, was when I met him. There were, also involved, a few scenes from water balloon fights...
And after the movie, when I broke down into sobbing hysterics (Do your Notebook references fail you now, Cody?)
But by the end of that night, I began to feel suspiciously fluttery and elated.

Alright! I was finally getting to somewhere with that one >:3 Although, throwing that fake snow on him probably helped. Maybe. Ish. We'd been friends for a little while, but nevertheless, I was shocked when he agreed to come. And.... we swing danced. Unfortunately, as he'll tell me, I was too busy critiquing his footwork to notice him falling for me.
I had dragged along another guy friend, of what-- six years now? -- So it wouldn't be a date. They did a coin toss to see who would have to slow dance with me, which I brazenly manipulated by the way, and the lot fell on him. It should be noted that I am not above saying, "You tossed it wrong, that wasn't fair" several times until the desired result came about. Heck, if you know you're going to like someone eventually, you better but in the mega efforts early on to make sure it'll be requited. Life is a journey inscribed with little lessons of "know thyself", and the lesser known, albeit wildly important, "know thy type".
But come the slow dance itself, I made a fatal error. I looked up.
Flash forward a few weeks.
Flash forward to November.
Annnnnnnd December......
March.... I go over to his house pretty often. We cook together, watch movies, play video games. One time, we both got food poisoning from some chicken that he neglected to pan-sear before putting in the oven. I'll keep teasing him about that, but at least we got to stay in and watch Interstellar.
And April. By this time, we're talking every day, confiding in each other with all those weird quirks and somewhat concerning childhood stories, our hopes, fears, trials... supporting through every up and down that comes our way. He's endured, by this point, seven accidental groin shots and a near concussion. I don't know how that boy manages.
Some time about a week ago, he came over to my house to visit my little sisters (who absolutely adore him) and meet some of my extended family. We watched a movie, he gotten bitten by my sassy conure, I made popcorn without burning it for the first time-- that last one may have had something to do with everyone chanting and cheering me on. Stressful.
And he asks my dad for a private talk....
There he is, everybody. My Dad, the comedian. (He's probably been waiting to use that one since I was four)
Cody decided to take about a week, a little more, for spiritual meditation on the subject.... And then, finally, as I'm at the edge of my seat, queries me as to if it would be okay to ask me to be his girlfriend on his birthday. Just so I don't feel pressured. D'aww... Well....
Come that day, I'm so jittery that I can hardly move. He's so anxious that he stutters as he asks me, stumbling over every word, the one question we've been thinking on for a while now.
No one should ever give me prep time. It gives me a little too much creative room.
Given the way we met, a card trick, I decided to play a little spin on his favorite card-- the two of hearts. Of the many, many magical spectacles in existence, there is a certain one that goes a little something like this: The spectator observes an overturned card atop the deck.... Let's say, for example, the eight of clubs. Once the card is turned over to face the same direction as the rest of the deck, the magician rubs the deck under his palm. Withdrawing it, he turns the top card again-- Viola! Jack of diamonds! This second card was underneath the eight of clubs; during the rubbing, the top two cards are switched.
This simple card trick was the back of my plot. I rigged my deck to contain TWO two of hearts cards... the first was blank, normal. The second, which would later be switched to the top, had a little something extra written on it.
This simple card trick was the back of my plot. I rigged my deck to contain TWO two of hearts cards... the first was blank, normal. The second, which would later be switched to the top, had a little something extra written on it.
He asks haltingly, "W-will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and pull out a deck of cards.
The sad fact of the matter is, my hands are just too small and cold to even begin to perform actually slight-of-hands, even something as simple as a card switch maneuver. Therefore, I had to settle for something of a little less grandeur-- "misdirection"**
And that, is the story of how I became the luckiest girl in the world. I'm blessed with an amazing, empathetic, strong, godly best friend..... Oh, alright. And boyfriend.
Oh yes, shippers. It did "finally" happen x3
**Technically, though, he says he knew exactly what trick I was going to pull and knew I couldn't accomplish it unless he turned aside to give me time for a manual switch. That's a complete and utter lie and you know it, Cody. You're just jealous of my amazing ideas xP