Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16th Photo

Get this.... it's a picture, of a picture!!
Some time back I decided that it would be a fabulous  idea to paint a mural on the walls of the room, and despite numbered wars with procrastination, I have triumphed! So it begins!
I shall keep you updated, be there progress or non-progress! <3

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Some Common Catchphrases and Also Kind of an Apology

Oh my gosh, you guys.
So, my last post was in May-- forget that "post once a day" crap.
Well, sorry about that. Can I make it up to y'all with an open question inbox?
On my obnoxious Tumblr account I've got a list of questions that are open for submission; aka "all about the INFP at your request". If you'd like to send a request for any, email me at :D

  • 1) if you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
  • 2) grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
  • 3) what do you think about most?
  • 4) what does your latest text message from someone else say?
  • 5) what's your strangest talent?
  • 6) girls.... (finish the sentence); boys.... (finish the sentence)
  • 7) ever had a poem or song written about you?
  • 8) when is the last time you played the air guitar?
  • 9) do you have any strange phobias?
  • 10) ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
  • 11) what's your religion
  • 13) if you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
  • 14) do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
  • 15) simple but extremely complex. favorite band?
  • 16) what was the last lie you told?
  • 17) do you believe in karma?
  • 18) what does your url mean?
  • 19) what is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
  • 20) who is your celebrity crush?
  • 21) how do you vent your anger?
  • 22) how do you flirt?
  • 23) do you have a collection of anything?
  • 24) do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
  • 25) are you happy with the person you've become?
  • 26) what's a sound you hate; sound you love?
  • 27) what's your biggest "what if"?
  • 28) do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens?
  • 29) stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? do the same with your left arm.
  • 30) smell the air. what do you smell?
  • 31) what's the worst place you have ever been to?
  • 32) choose east coast or west coast?
  • 33) most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
  • 34) to you, what is the meaning of life?
  • 35) define art.
  • 36) do you believe in luck?
  • 37) what's the weather like right now?
  • 38) what time is it?
  • 39) what was the last book you read?
  • 40) do you like the smell of gasoline?
  • 41) do you have any nicknames?
  • 42) what was the last movie you saw?
  • 43) what's the worst injury you've ever had?
  • 45) have you ever caught a butterfly?
  • 46) do you have any obsessions right now?
  • 47) ever had a rumor spread about you?
  • 48) do you believe in magic?
  • 49) do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
  • 50) what is your astrological sign? does it mean anything to you?
  • 51) do you save money or spend it?
  • 52) what's the last thing you purchased?
  • 53) in love?
  • 54) in a relationship?
  • 55) how many relationships have you had?
  • 56) can you touch your nose with your tongue?
  • 57) where were you yesterday?
  • 58) is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
  • 59) are you wearing socks right now?
  • 60) what's your favorite animal?
  • 61) what is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
  • 62) where is your best friend?
  • 63) what is your heritage?
  • 64) what were you doing last night at 12 am?
  • 65) what do you think is satan's last name?
  • 66) are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
  • 67) you are walking down the street on your way to work. there is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. what do you do?
  • 68) you are at the doctor's office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) what do you do with your remaining days? c) would you be afraid?
  • 69) you can only have one of these things; trust or love.
  • 70) what's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
  • 71) what are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
  • 72) in your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
  • 73) how can i win your heart?
  • 74) can insanity bring on more creativity?
  • 75) what is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
  • 80) what size shoes do you wear?
  • 81) what would you want to be written on your tombstone?
  • 82) what is your favorite word?
  • 83) give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
  • 84) what is a saying you say a lot?
  • 85) what's the last song you listened to?
  • 86) basic question; what's your favorite color/colors?
  • 87) what is your current desktop picture?
  • 88) if you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
  • 89) what would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
  • 90) one night you wake up because you heard a noise. you turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by mummies. the mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. what do you do?
  • 91) you accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. they were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! what is that power?
  • 92) you can re-live any point of time in your life. the time-span can only be a half-hour, though. what half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
  • 93) you can erase any horrible experience from your past. what will it be?
  • 94) you just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. you have to depart right now. where are you gonna go?
  • 95) do you have any relatives in jail?
  • 97) have you ever thrown up in the car?
  • 98) ever been on a plane?
  • 99) if the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

Yes, I do recognize that some were missing. It's a test. *obvious winking*
On my Tumblr, I've already got a request from my favorite mutual--

Hi Cody(:

Some undepicted but also important catchphrases:

  • Hello, Sweetie.
  • Well, aren't you a fun little lollipop triple dipped in psycho
  • did you just-
  • Are you an angel? 'Cus i won't blink....
  • rude.
  • Was it das??!
  • Get in loser, we're going shopping
  • right in the feels!
That about sums it up(:
If you'd like to see some more little quibbles or possibly a bunny trail story, email me a number! I'll respond to all of 'em.

xoxo, Your Mostly Friendly INFP

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Let's Hear It For Procrastination!

Remember when I said my goal was to post on here daily?
Yeah, that didn't work out.

From a procrastinatory standpoint, this blog has been wildly successful!

Unfortunately for the purposes of actually writing said blog, however, I happen to excel in the fine art of pushing off my obligations and forgetting my leisure commitments... even the online ones. It's an uncanny ability few possess, and I'm proud to brand myself a slave to the all-powerful force of Procrastination.

Allow me to elaborate by telling you the story of how I published a book with multiple grammatical flaws because I was simply too lazy to expend time on the computer to complete it.

So this one time I was telling a bedtime story to my sister.

Apparently it was an okay story.

Now, it happened to be the very eve of when I had a creative writing assignment due; in which I was supposed to elaborate on a well-known fairy tale or fable to lengthen it to a descriptive two pages. But, seeings how I had neglected to do said assignment and coincidentally came up with a  workable story line, I felt I should actually complete my homework.

I locked myself in my bedroom and began the strenuous writing process. 

I wrote until I died.
Sort of.

Several times.

Until, at last, I had it all down on paper.

The next day was fairly uneventful. We all turned in our meager reports.

My eighty three pages of entire dedication and devotion was apparently a little too much.

The fairly eventful part of the day came when I happened to glimpse another student shifting through a stack of paper- MY WORK!

What was I to do?! She'd hate it! I would be disgraced- ruined- exiled from the creative writing community!

I bravely approached her.

Her response, however, was quite unexpected.

Eventually, after showing it to a couple more friends, I decided that I might be interested in publishing my work.

It wasn't an arduous task to type up the book, but the more I edited the longer it expanded to be! I was intent on the laborious joy.

Luckily, I had tea to aid me through the long nights.

At last, my work of glory was completed!

And I had a fabulous pen name.

I designed a cover,

Compiled my striking autobiography, 

Submitted my work, got it approved, and was overly ecstatic at these new developments.

And from that moment on, equipped with the mighty pencil, I was an author.

At sometime, however, my happiness shattered with the suddenly apparent realization that I would have to go back and edit my work for typois. Which ai maek alot ov,

Now, if you've never edited a novel before, you may be unaware of the soul-wrenching horror it is. 

And I, in my naïve innocence for the horrors that awaited me, eagerly began to work.

I resolved to work on it the next day.
And the next day; the day after that.

People began to ask me when my book would be available in print.

This was when the almighty power of procrastination firmly took hold.

See, the problem with procrastination is that the more you succumb to it, the stronger and more irresistible to latch onto it is. The guilt of missing one day, for example, can cause you to avoid the same commitment the next day. And the next and the next and the next until you are completely overwhelmed by what you've procrastinated and can no longer function as a productive human being as you just give up entirely and allow yourself to be consumed by the guilt.

To this day, I've never quite finished the edits in that book. I highlight all the drives me crazy every time I open it!

That's kinda my style, though. 

At the moment, I have about fifty half-finished books that will probably never be finished...

...All because I am a slave to the Procrastination.

Want a link to the book?
Email me at

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23rd Photo

I think nature provides some of the most beautiful and inspiring photographic scenes. Dandelions, in particular, convey a certain mystique that is both metaphoric and intriguing. 
Phew. That was quite the INFP spiel. 

Tomorrow: words

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 22nd Photo

This is my lovely friend Katy, a beautiful ballet dancer, and, I might add, a wonderful photography subject <3

Tomorrow: extreme close-up

April 21st Photo

Today is a good day to put a filter on a picture of a bottle of lemonade and call it art. In short, that's exactly what I did here. 

Tomorrow: in motion

Intro to the World of Yours Truly

Allow me to introduce myself- INFP extraordinaire, expert of all things Myers-Briggs and psychologically fascinating. Compulsive ranter/blogger, adoring cat owner and photogropher of needless documentation. Also, socially awkward internet addict.
As a blogger, I have many roles I will and won't be filling:
Dispenser of comedy
Irregular cartoonist
Reblogger, of sorts
Grammar Nazi
Person with a complete lack of respect for tomorrow
Narcissistic bulletin lister
Goofy idiot
Overly metaphoric poet
Sentimental slob
NOT not funny. Sometimes. Hopefully.
That about sums it up.
Hopefully, I'll be able to succeed in my goal to shower you with INFP sparkles on a daily basis (not glitter. Because glitter is evil.) Ooh, and lovely little sentiments!

Your Mostly Friendly INFP