Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Mantra of a Wanderer

Be kind, not for what you can gain
          But for the worth of what you may give
Be courageous, not from what you fear
          But for what you do not have enough fear of
Be peaceful, not for the moment of rest
          But for the moments following, where there is no rest
Do not look to the future for what it offers you
          But for what you can offer it
Do not be selfish without grace
          Do not have courage without mercy
                  Do not be anxious for what you cannot change
                          Do not have vision for your own benefit
                                  But for the betterment of the earth
Be pure in your intentions
Gentle in your steps
Soft in your words
Fleeting in your remorse
          Wear no mask of joy nor piety
                  Make no sovereignty
                          Weep with the mourning
                  Make for each morning a new person
           Wear no image of your past
Remember all you have done, but do not dwell on guilt once its time has passed
Leave no image of yourself
          Only what change you have caused
Let your ripples wake gentle in the pool of existence
You alone are not important....
But your actions are.

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Heyya! I'd love to hear what you think(: