Monday, February 29, 2016

Dear Diary: I'm Ten

Cody turns to me and says, "Julia, please get off Sims, we're watching a movie." To which I respond, "You bought me the DLC-- and now I have to take care of my horses, or they'll die. I'm not a monster, Cody."

He calls it an addiction, which means he's never truly seen me around non-rhyming poetry accompanied by vivid watercolor on Tumblr, which constitutes the true meaning of addiction to me.
Nonetheless, he pervasively considers Sims to be the very thing that eats up all my time and causes me to say such things as, "Yeah, my wife died today, along with the Goopy Carbona burning, which is really more unfortunate because then I had to go out for lunch but hey at least tonight I'll win the Gold Digger challenge," which he deems to be at the very least, disconcertingly bizarre.
The one thing I've learned about playing video games around Cody is that there is an exponentially positive correlation between the more I try to emulate him playing SCP Containment Beach and how increasingly disturbed he becomes.

Yesterday, I was shuffling through some notebooks of mine, and came across a journal entry, dated January 18th, 2011; it conclusively proves that this has been a long-lasting epidemic of mine, and something quite to be feared.
Mom's CBRC [local gym] goal is still in effect. I wished it wasn't. 3 hours of my Monday were spent at swimming lessons. Let me get this strait [sic]. It is not easy to do a whip snap kick. Whip snap kick is a fancy way to say, 'Oh, and by the way, want to drown?' especially if you swim 400 meters. Ring swimming, which I invented, is no easier, The only difference is that I didn't learn it, I taught it. The only thing to do in ring swimming is tie your feet and legs together. BINGO! The only downside is that my sisters call it mermaid swimming. It isn't. I am a magical creature of the deep and mermaid is too blah for who I am. Majestic.
3 hours in the pool means 'Pay for our gym membership to become an actual prune! After which, be forced to get more wet in the showers!' because that's exactly what happened. After all that swimming, all I wanted to do was play Sims. But of course not. We were going to do something better.
Rollerblading. And I didn't fall once, because I'm awesome, and so I bought myself one of those sticky hand things. No one wanted to be friends on the couples skate. I had food though and it was better. Going there includes an Extra Large Pizza and a Bottomless Rootbeer Pitcher [sic, with the capitalization]. But the entire time, all I could thing about was Sims. Glorious Sims. Sims is all I can think about now. Sims, Sims, Sims. I have a family and they eat spaghetti together and I made my dog on it so she isn't dead anymore [oh good heavens]. 
It's a drug, I tell you! And I'm an addict, along with my sister Olivia [Note: I made this part up because I was butthurt that she wanted to play it for ten minutes, thusly keeping me from Sims time, and so I concluded that she was addicted and should be on regulated usage of the computer]. So that's where I spent four more hours of my weekend. My mom called me in for dinner but my Sims family of us was having a sit down meal for once and I couldn't miss it. In this game I'm a really great cook and I have a boyfriend named Nick and that's my favorite part. I'm going to break up with him though because he isn't pretty enough for me.
 Sigh. This is a more deep-rooted issue than I realized. Younger me admitted what I could not, yesterday, that I'm interested in fantasy life because I can do the impossible-- such as cooking in a microwave without setting it on fire, sometimes, or looking good in a bathing suit, or attending social events without hiding in the corner. I guess it shows me a little more of who I want to be, in the worst way possible.
When I look at all the experiences I could be having-- such as, a sit-down dinner with my actual family-- a game just pales in comparison. Maybe Cody's been trying to tell me that he'll go on a date with me irl if I'll stop complaining about how the celebrities at a cafe in fictional Riverview didn't recognize me as a celebrity from my newly created ska band ("Look at this, I have one star! They should at least ask me for an autograph, shouldn't they?!")

Right now, it's a good time to pause and engage in real life.  I could have a boyfriend named Nick if I wanted to, but I'm sure he still wouldn't be pretty enough for me.

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